
[TavrosxReader] Her Smile

Deviation Actions

BexieCain's avatar

Literature Text

*Please note that in this fic Tavros is very much human*

Tavros lay in his hospital bed, looking briefly over to the girl in the bulky bed beside him. She looked so fragile, so delicate, so close to death. Her now shaved head was wrapped in bandages, her left arm was set into a sling, while her right hand was almost completely covered in a heavy cast - he had overheard the nurses saying that it was completely crushed in the accident, that she was lucky that they didn't have to amputate it. Her legs were no better off, her right was clad in a knee brace, while her left was toting another heavy white cast.

She had arrived a few weeks ago, her name was (y/f/n) and she was in a coma.

Her parent's visited everyday with flowers, and sometimes they would talk to him for a little while before they left, they were nice people. But he knew he shouldn't get attatched, because this room was the room where the hospital staff dumped anybody that they knew wouldn't last too long.

Tavros himself had spent the last four years of his life in this room, he had seen so many incapacitated patients come and go, heard so many flat lines in the middle of the night, so many times the plug had been pulled - so he knew better than to get used to the silent company of (y/n).

He had always expected that she would be just another one of those unfortunate souls - until that day.

It was early in the morning, 4:26 according to the digital clock on the small hospital brand nightstand beside him. He was awake though, he always was asleep late and up early; it was always hard for him to relax in this room which was the smell of bleach and cheap air fresheners despite the fact that he should be well used to it by now.

He wasn't doing much in particular, just sitting there in the partial darkness, counting the little black pinhole dots on the ceiling tiles. It was around then that he heard a small shaky breath from the bed beside him. He looked over at the girl beside him. Her face slowly crinkled as her head lolled off to the side, her eyes opened slightly before fluttering shut. He could see her bare toes curling and uncurling under the thin hospital blanket.

For a few minutes he could only stare in wonder at the strange anomaly before him which proceeded to repeat itself a few times. Once his brain was finally able to grasp the situation, he quickly reached down, feeling along the side of his bed for the pager button. He soon found it and quickly pressed it before sitting up and looking back over to the girl, a small feeling of hope rising within him.

A nurse quickly arrive and as she entered Tavros spoke raspily, "She's, uh, she's waking up, I think…" He said in a small voice as he pointed to (y/n)'s bed beside his own.

And that was that - later her parents arrive in a hurry, her mother was crying hysterically as her father joked, saying that he knew an insomniac like her wouldn't let a little coma ruin her cycle - whatever that meant.

But even so (y/n) would be there for a while, she wasn't "fit to go home." From what he heard from the nurses, (y/n) had some sort of chronic illness with a hard to pronounce name which affected her heart, and after being hit by a bus, there had been some altercations with her heart - so other than the fact that she was pretty maimed, she would have to stick around until she was fully healed and until everything with her heart checked out.

But until then, Tavros found himself strangely taken by the girl. She was very homely and comforting, which allowed him to relax for the first time in four years. It was noon, about the time that lunch was to be served, it had been a few weeks since (y/n) had woken up, and currently, the two of them sat in their room, Tavros looking out the window quietly while (y/n) read a book.

"-ros…Tavros?" (y/n)'s soothing voice broke into his silent thoughts, he looked over at her a somewhat dazed expression apparent on his face, "Y-Yeah…"

"Didn't you hear me?" (y/n) said with a soft smile, "the nurses are going to bring me out to the courtyard for lunch to get some fresh air, but it's a bit awkward going alone - do you want to come too?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Uhh, sure, uh, if that's okay…" he said quietly.

(y/n) giggled slightly, "Why would I ask if it wasn't okay, silly."

"S-Sorry, it's uh, a habit." Tavros said nervously. He really wasn't used to having company like (y/n) he usually only spoke to the nurses but even that was pretty rare, he usually just left them to their business. And (y/n) was a talkative type of girl, who liked a bit of light conversation here and there, which Tavros wasn't entirely sure how to deal with.

Lunch came soon enough, and by 12:25 the pair had been wheeled down to the garden in the courtyard, the nurses left them to their business under the shade of a nearby tree leaving them with a pager button to press when they were ready to head back to their room.

"It's nice to be able to go outside again~" (y/n) chirped contently as she stretched her unslinged arm above her head.

"H-How's your hand…" Tavros asked delicately. He knew it was a bit of a sensitive topic, (y/n) had told him that she was an art student before the accident, and though she didn't voice it, it was obvious that she really couldn't care less about her other injuries as long as her hand healed okay.

(y/n)'s face grew slightly inquisitive as she looked over to him before smiling, "It's a lot better, see, I can wiggle my fingers fine - no pain." she said, wiggling her fingers through her cast for emphasis.

"That's good." Tavros sighed.

"How about you, I heard the doctors have been thinking about trying out those fancy new prosthetic leg prototypes on you." it was true, it had been some of the biggest news in, well, forever, for Tavros, if it worked then he would be able to walk again, he would be able to leave.

The whole reason up until now that he was still in the hospital, was that his parents were always out on business, and they worried too much about him being on his own, so they paid to have him kept in the hospital - this new prosthetic testing was their idea.

"Y-Yeah… But it's only, uh, a prototype, so I don’t want to, you know, uh, get my hopes up…"

(y/n) nodded, "I guess, but at the same time, if you don't hope it will work, that’s the same as giving up, you know?" Tavros could understand that, but after four years of waiting and 'hoping' it all seemed kind of redundantly pointless.

But in the end, the plans did fall through, months later the prosthetics arrived, and they worked. Tavros knew he should be happy, but he wasn't, because it meant leaving (y/n) alone indefinitely in that room where people were sent to wither.

He felt guilty that he would be leaving her behind, because in the better part of a year that he had known her, she had become the reason why he bothered to hope, why he bothered to sit through hours of testing and fittings for the stupid robotic prosthetics, all because when he came back with good news, he would get to see her smile.

Tavros enjoyed making her smile, it had become the reason that he even woke up in the mornings, because he really loved (y/n) and her soothing smile from the bottom of his heart.

And he was sad to see that go.

He promised he would visit, but it wouldn't be the same as when he could see her whenever he wanted, or be there whenever she needed.

But it was all that he could do.

-----{READER-CHAN POV}-----

You knew you should be happy for him, because he was leaving, but at the same time you were sad. Sad because your only companion would be gone, the nurses were nice, but they were hard to talk to when all they did was respond with sugarcoated words they thought you wanted to hear while giving you sympathetic looks.

Tavros was different, he got it, he really understood - and he didn't feel sorry for you the same way everybody else did. Sure, he felt bad, that much you could tell, but he didn't look at you like you were a wounded animal that might very well keel over any minute. He looked at you like a human being with hopes and dreams and heartache.

And he was always there.

He was there when you came out of your coma, there when you were afraid because for a moment, you couldn't remember who you were, he had been there when all your friends gradually stopped visiting you, there when you just wanted to eat lunch outside for once. Tavros was there when you got all your casts taken off, and when you 'graduated' from physical therapy, he was there when you drew your first piece in months. He was there like nobody else was.

Your parent's visited, sure, but not nearly as often as they used to, maybe once every week if you were lucky. The nurses as you previously stated were no good company, the doctors even less so - and the only other people in your wing were in their eighties and nineties.

You walked down the hallway slowly on your way back from lunch, silver metallic cane in hand even though it wasn't really needed, a nurse by your side in case you were to suddenly die on the spot - or something like that. It had been a little over a week since Tavros had left, and things were starting to calm down.

After a brief trip in the elevator, you arrived on your floor. The doctors said during your last checkup that if all goes well you might be able to leave in a couple weeks, you really hoped that was the fact. You wanted to spend a night in a room that didn't smell like bleach and cheap vanilla air freshener. And truth be told you couldn’t wait to sink your teeth into some friend chicken, or a chocolate bar, anything other than the cheap hospital food they served you, how Tavros had endured four years of it you would never know.

Upon nearing your room you found that your door was ajar, which was strange, they usually left it closed to show that it wasn't empty and up for grabs for any fresh out of the OR patients. You shrugged it off and kept going, pushing the door open lightly with your palm, the nurse had disappeared at some point between your room and the elevator, you really couldn't care less though.

Upon entering the room you found a tall, slim figure leaning against the window frame on the opposite side of the room, looking out the large window and out into the city below, the mini mohawk gave the identity of your visitor away instantly.

"Tavros!" You called happily, causing him to jump and turn towards you hiding something behind his back - though you didn't notice because at the moment you were too busy basking in the warm feeling in your chest that came with your visitor.

You quickly made your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, you had never noticed before, because you two were always sitting down, but he was taller than you by quite a bit. "Oh it's so good to see you~!" you sang and you buried your head in his chest as you felt his arms slowly constrict around your torso.

You broke away from him with a wide smile as you lifted your cane and propped it up over your shoulder, "You know I was begining to think that you would never visit."

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that, things have been really busy since I, uh, got out." he said sheepishly as he rubbed his neck, a light blush tinting his face.

"It's alright, as long as you came eventually." You laughed, setting your cane back down, "So tell me, how is the outside world doing? Is Obama still president? Is fried chicken still as delicious as I remember it being? Is Starbucks still standing? I'm gonna need somewhere to go for my caffeine fix when I get out of here." You joked.

"Yes, yes, and yes." Tavros laughed lightly.

"Good." you hummed with a nod.

"Oh, by the way, I uh, got you something…" Tavros said quietly, a pink blush decorating his youthful features.

"OOh really? What is it, can I eat it?" You asked jokingly, though you were half hoping he had brought a rack of ribs or something - oh that would be wonderful.

"No, you cant." he laughed softly before pulling his hand out from behind his back to display a small bouquet of three creamy, coffee colored roses, "I know you liked the ones that they had out in the garden that time, so I thought you might like some for your nightstand…"

Your heart throbbed in your chest as you smiled up at him, "It's lovely, thanks Tav."

"N-No problem…" He stuttered in his usual nervous manner.

You giggled as you reached up and tapped the bouquet against the top of his head lightly, smiling up at him, "W-What?" he stammered.

"Perfect match." You laughed, comparing the hue of the roses to Tavros' coffee brown hair. You were happy he came, you had been so lonely without him.

-----{TAVROS 3RD POV}-----

It had been a little over a week since then, and Tavros had finally made time to visit (y/n) again, as Tavros made his way to (y/n)'s room, a nurse at the reception desk of (y/n)'s floor called out to him as he passed, "Oh, Mr. Nitram!" she called from behind the desk.

Tavros turned and walked over to her, "You're here to visit Miss (y/l/n) right?" she asked. Tavros nodded, his hand clutching a small bouquet of (y/n)'s roses.

"She's been discharged ahead of schedule, but she wanted me to give you this if you dropped by." the nurse said, as she handed him a piece of paper. Discharged, the word rang in his head for a few moments before his mind was able to comprehend it. (y/n) was out, gone, just like that.

His eyes dropped to the slip of paper where (y/n)'s neat, flowing, print was apparent, "I wish I had some way to call you to let you know that I was out so you wouldn't make the trip for noting - I guess we never did remember to exchange phone numbers did we? Oh well, if you're reading this then you've come to visit me! :) I'm glad to say that I'm no longer here, but I do still want to see you, I'm supposed to be going back to my apartment which isn't too far away from here; so if you find the time do you think you could stop by? That would make me really happy! Anyways, I hope to see you soon. - Love, (y/n) P.S. I can't believe I almost forgot to give you the address! Haha, I guess I'm still a bit of a ditz,  Anywho, it's number 302 on the 4th floor of Prospit Apartment Complex."

Tavros smiled lightly to himself, he would like that, he had almost been dreading the time when (y/n) got out, because he was afraid that then there would be nothing to tie them together, and that she wouldn't want him to visit her anymore. He was happy to find that it wasn't the case. Tavros looked back up to the receptionist with a light smile, "T-Thanks…" He said before turning and heading out of the hospital.

Tavros arrived at (y/n)'s apartment complex within the hour and made his way up to the fourth floor, room 302 just like (y/n)'s note instructed. He stopped at the door, thinking about what he could say, or what he could do for that matter. It felt weird, weird to think about seeing her outside the hospital, when they were both wearing normal cloths not cheap paper gowns.

Tavros raised his hand and knocked it against the wooden door, he heard a shuffling sound within the apartment as a familiar voice rang out, "I'll be there in a sec!" Tavros smiled at the sound of her voice even if it was muffled through the door. It was only a bit more than a week but it seemed like it had been so long since he had seen her.

Seconds later the door opened with a creak to reveal (y/n) standing at the door wearing a strapless, (f/c) floral sundress, her silver cane in hand.  She looked up at him for a moment before a glorious smile spread out over her lips, "Tavros!" She squealed before pulling her door open all the way and stepping off to the side, "Come on in."

Tavros did as instructed, closing the door behind him as he walked into the apartment. He could see how (y/n) lived here, the small apartment was cozy and homely with lazy light brown wallpaper strung with colorful paintings and sketches. (y/n) lead Tavros into the living room and gestured for him to sit down on one of the two chocolate colored couches, "Wait here, I was just making myself some coffee when you knocked." (y/n) said before scurrying off into an adjacent room which he assumed was the kitchen.

Tavros sat as instructed as something to his right caught his eye, on  the right side of the room there was a rounded bay window, on the sill sat a small, white, ceramic vase decorated with brown ovular leaves, in the vase were what Tavros recognized to be the three coffee colored roses that he had given her the week prior (now that he thought about it, [y/n] seemed to really like the color brown) the way the sun poured in the window made the roses look rather elegant, really. A few feet in front of the window was a large easel, on the easel was a canvas with what looked to be a rough sketch of the roses that was just beginning to be painted over with bright oil paints.

It was then that (y/n) entered the room, a tray in hand as her cane sat hooked over her wrist, she followed Tavros' line of sight and flushed as she let out a little sigh, "You like it, my first painting since I got out, though it's more of a work in progress…" she said as she set the tray down on the coffee table.

(y/n) laughed softly as she sat down on the couch next to him, "Geez, the way we talk about it you'd think we just got out of prison or something."

"It's really good." Tavros commented, nodded towards the painting.

"Thanks, I see you've brought more to add to it." She said, nodding towards the bouquet in his hands.

"O-Oh, yeah…" he said, handing it to her.

"They're beautiful as always," she said before tapping them against his head, "and still the perfect shade of toffee." she giggled before setting them down on the table.

The pair then proceeded to reminisce about their lives since being discharged while silently sipping the coffee that (y/n) had prepared until it was late. When the clock stuck eight, Tavros stood to leave, (y/n) walked him to the door where Tavros proceeded to turn around and look down at her.

"(y-y/n)…" he said nervously, glancing off to the side.

"What's up?" she asked, stopping before the door.

"I was wondering, uh, if you would maybe like to…" He began, trailing of as his face grew red.

"Like to what?" she asked curiously, cocking her head to the side.

"If you would like to, maybe, go out with me sometime…" he whispered, his voice on the verge of squeaking, "…on a date…"

"like….a date-date….?" (y/n) asked slowly, her expression unreadable as she looked up at him.

"Y-Yeah…" he stammered.

Before he could blink, the handle of (y/n)'s cane had been put around his neck, as (y/n) stood atop her tiptoes quickly, pressing one palm to his chest while her other hand gripped her cane as she gave him a quick peck on the lips before releasing him and returning to her flatfooted stance.

He looked down at the girl in shock as she smiled up at him, "I'd love to~"
Alright, after fricking forever I have finished Tavros' Rose fic!!! I feel so victorious that I just can't even- Kao Emoji-38 (What in the world?) [V2] 

So yeah, I'm currently in the process of writing Sollux's and Gamzee's (Sollux's is about 3/4 done while Gamzee's is about 1/3 done...) so yeah, I'm linking the main rose fic page below, so you can find the other character's fics, drop a comment as to which [uncompleted] one you want to see first so I know what to prioritize!!!

Kay thx bieeee Happy Bunny Wave - Beemote 

Other Homestuck Rose Fics:…
© 2014 - 2024 BexieCain
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MistressOfTheVoid's avatar
*gross sobbing* 

God why is this so cuuuute~! ToT