
[KarkatxReader] Words: Part 2

Deviation Actions

BexieCain's avatar

Literature Text

----chumHandle [CH] blocked carcinoGeneticist [CG]----

You couldn't stop staring at the words on your screen. You had regretted your actions instantly but you knew they were justified.

You were angry.

Hell, you were furious.

The longer you stared at the words the harder the feeling hit you. Your throat closed up and grew scratchy as your breath grew jagged and your eyes stung from the tears threatening to surface. You stood swiftly, sending your wheeled desk chair across the room before you reached forward, ripping the computer monitor off the desk and onto the floor, summoning a loud crash.

Your fists were clenched now, your knuckles white and fingers cold from the lack of circulation. Your eyes locked onto the cork board above your desk and narrowed. You leaned forward, roughly tearing the papers from the board and crumpling them in your hands, you repeated this angry process a few more times before you stomped into the kitchen and threw them into the trash bin. You caught a glimpse of the card from the bouquet out of the corner of your eye.

Walking over to it slowly, you picked it up with shaking hands.



Your grip on the card tightened before you headed back over to the trashcan and opened the lid, ready to send the card down into the bin along with the rest of his stupid letters. You bit your lip before letting the paper slip between your fingers and down into the trashcan. You turned, still high on anger and frustration as you stomped out of the kitchen and into the living room, making a b-line for your bedroom door.

As you passed your desk which was up against the wall outside your bedroom door, something impaled itself into your bare foot. You let out a gasp and a pained shriek as you pulled your foot up and fell to one knee. Biting back tears, you reached down and pulled a thumbtack from your foot, it must have come off the cork board earlier. You looked at the thumbtack, now stained red with your blood, before whipping it across the room in frustration.

You stood, only for your head to collide painfully with the bottom of your desk with a thud as pain reverberated through your skull. You whimpered as your hands flew up to clutch your head, the hot tears you had been holding in finally overflowing as you curled up into a ball on the floor, arms cradling your head as you just let the tears fall.

You lay there for what felt like hours before finally crying yourself to sleep.


You love them, you feel that, when conveyed with the proper vocabulary, expressing what is truly on your mind becomes that much easier.


-----{Timeskip: Two Weeks Later}-----

You woke up that morning the same way you had woken up every other day for the past two weeks- to a throbbing headache and a sore throat. For a moment you were blissfully unaware, brain still so muddled from sleep that you forgot that anything was wrong. Then the harsh reality struck you and you just wanted to cry yourself to sleep all over again.

With a defeated groan you stood shakily, minding the pain in your head as you staggered into your bathroom.

It may be Saturday but you still had work later.

You braced your arms on the sides of the sink as you looked at yourself in the mirror - you were a hot mess. Your (h/c) hair was matted and tangled, your face was splotchy and your eyes, on top of sporting unsightly black bags, were puffy and red.

You held back more tears as you warmed up the shower and peeled off your clothes, tossing them arbitrarily onto the bathroom floor before you stepped into the shower. The water was still ice cold and sent shivers raking down your spine but you didn't care, you were finding it incredibly hard to care about anything much at the moment. The water warmed up eventually, turning into a red hot spray that stung your skin, again, you didn't care.

After about a half an hour you left the warm caress of the shower and emerged from your bathroom wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. You didn't have the energy to do much, so you tiredly dragged yourself into the kitchen and whipped yourself up some coffee and heated up some leftover pizza, not the best combination but you didn't care.

As you headed towards the living room the movie case on the counter caught your eye, you picked it up and read over the title again before flipping it over and examining the back cover.

It was only four and a half hours in length, for a troll movie that was pretty good. You sighed and walked into the living room, setting your coffee and pizza down on the coffee table before popping open the movie case and inserting the DVD in the DVD player and hitting play.

You sat back on the couch and claimed your food from coffee table as the opening credits began. By the time the movie had ended you were ready to cry, it was so sad, sure, you had read the title so you knew what was going to happen, but still.

The cable box read 5:00pm, you had to be at the café for the night shift at 5:45. With a sigh you picked yourself up from the couch and returned to your bathroom, swapping out your daytime clothing for your usual uniform- a simple brown V-neck with the café logo and a pair of jeans, before covering up your bags and splotchy eyes with a bit of concealer and then out the door you went.

You hadn't heard from Karkat ever since that night, sure, you blocked him, but he had your address, he could just as well mail you something- you simply assumed that this meant that you two were over and that you were just going to have to learn to fucking deal with it.

Upon reaching the café you walked in to find your best friend, Rikita Malfar, a Cerulean blood with a bit of an attitude problem, yet again arguing with a customer, how she hadn't been fired yet was beyond you. You and Rikita were roommates for the first year of college before you decided that you'd rather live in off campus housing in order to get away from the noise of college parties.

With a sigh you walked behind the countered and shooed Riki away so you could hopefully convince whoever she'd been yelling at not to ask to speak with the owner- After giving the customer a $25 gift card they left without causing any trouble.

You sighed as you checked over the money in the register, not bothering to look up at Rikita who was looming over your shoulder before speaking, "You owe me big time." you said with a scowl.

"I know~ I know~ I'll buy you a treat or something when we get our next paycheck." Riki sighed with a roll of her eyes before she went off to do what she did best, fill orders and let you deal with the customers since she was a lawsuit waiting to happen - you loved the girl to death but it was a fact, she treats everybody around her like utter shit unless they somehow manage to gain her respect, how you did so is still a mystery.

Your shift went by surprisingly quickly, and before you knew it, it was closing time.

As you packed your stuff up into your purse, Rikita went about locking up as usual. When she was finished, you two headed off to the bus stop which was luckily only a few blocks away.

You couldn't help but let your mind wander to Karkat, you wondered what he was up to… was he still at work? Was he at home? Or was he doing something else…? You jumped as you felt something bump into your shoulder, turning you found Rikita looking down at you with a sad smile, "C'mon baby-face, don’t look so down, every couple fights- hell, Cronus and I fight on a daily basis, I'm sure you and Karkat will be fine." she sang lightly.

You were tempted to say that the only reason that her and Cronus fought so much was because they were Ex-Kismasis' and newly appointed Matesprits and hadn't yet gotten used to the prospect of not yelling at each other, but you held your tongue and just nodded.

Rikita frowned and whispered something under her breath, that sounded an awful lot like, "I'm gonna fucking kill that turd if he screws this up." but you decided not to comment on it, Riki was prone to talking to herself so you knew when she did that whatever she says wasn't really meant for you to hear anyways.

The bus came and you and Riki parted ways seeing as you both lived on opposite ends of the city, the bus ride was quiet and lonely and by the time you got to your apartment building all you wanted to do was drag yourself up to your room and cry yourself to sleep, again.

After stepping out of the elevator on your floor you tiredly made your way down the hall, keys already in your hand and at the ready. When you turned into the little alcove space which housed your apartment door you froze.

Sitting on your doorstep at nine thirty at night was a man, a troll man. His black hair was matted and his horns were unusually nubby, the familiar looking grey sweatshirt that he wore was tugged over his knees which he had hugged into his chest, his forehead resting against them.

Your heart skipped a beat and your house keys slipped through your fingers as you caught sight of the silver ring on his hand, you knew that ring, you wore the same one on a chain around your neck, it was a gift for you and Karkat's six month anniversary.

The man jumped slightly at the sound that the keys made at they hit the floor, he stirred and slowly lifted his head to reveal a tired, boyish face. The man's eyes were red and bloodshot, his cheeks wet with red-tinted tears, when he caught sight of you a look of recognition and hope flickered in his eyes before it faded and was replaced by a look of utter sadness and heartbreak.

Your breath shook and your voice cracked as a familiar name bubbled up and fell through your lips,

Please pardon the insert of my lovely fantroll, Rikita Malfar, I needed a troll friend for reader-chan but none of the cannon trolls worked with what I wanted to do...

Part 1: [KarkatxReader] Words: Part 1
Part 2: You Are Here
Part 3: [KarkatxReader] Words: Part 3
Part 4: Coming Soon
Epilogue: Coming Soon

© 2014 - 2024 BexieCain
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